Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Wyeth

My Wyeth

17 years ago you joined our lives! But your story started way before that. It was as if you were the baby we were to have. From my miscarriage before, to 3 years trying to get pregnant and then my first month on bed rest, to August 9, 1994!

I still remember the weekend before your birth. Driving up from VA and going to camp in Maryland, NY. Meeting my new doctor on August 9. Running errands for Grandpa and then heading back to camp. Miss Bette always cooked wonderful things for camp and I was a fam of a chicken dish she did. That Monday she had made it and I was so happy. I went to thank her and then said, "I can have this baby now." Little did I know that in a few short hours, my water would break!

I sat in the R.V. and timed my contractions. Your dad had a call into my doctor and Tierney kept bring youth to see me in labor. Finally we headed out to Oneonta, to get ready to bring you into this world.

I was the only one in labor and had all the attention of the nurses. We had a t.v. in our room and as the hours passed we watched and talked. Grandma and Grandpa came by to visit and Grandpa was a little concerned when this strange guy came in dressed like a janitor and eating an ice cream cone . It was my doctor, so he felt better.

As my labor continued I thought "Hey, this is my last baby. The pains are right on top of each other. Could I have something to ease the pain, a little?" But it turns out I was too far along and got nothing. I chanted "The joy of the Lord is my strength" during every contraction. Finally the time came and you were here! The joy of holding you in my arms and nursing you the first time, was just as precious as the first time I held Tierney and Bethany.

Fast forward to 2011. You have grown into an amazing young woman. While you do not have it all right, your desire is to be the best you can. I love your commitment to our Lord and your willingness to serve at church. Several older ladies love how freely you hug and love on them.

I love the times we would sit and watch old movies and eat junk food. And your loving Lars and accepting him into our family. Our memories together I will cherish the rest of my life.

As you get ready to graduate next year and move on to the next chapter of your life, my prayer is that I taught, encouraged and prepared you for life as an adult. And while some young adults drift in the their relationship with Jesus, my continuing prayer is that you will stay close to Him and stay involved in church. That your close friends and free time would be ones that would honor Him.

I love you! Thanks for blessing me with your life. And I thank God for entrusting me with you.

1 comment:

  1. Of course, there are so many smiles and miles between her birth and today's birthday. I'm with you, praying for her to continue growing up into the fine young woman that she is becoming. "For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jer 29:11) Let's help her to keep that faith strong.
