Thursday, July 28, 2011

It Is Just One of Those Days!

Have you ever had the day where everything and anything was a struggle? A huge effort to even think about what needs to be done? All that you can think of is crawling back into bed, bury yourself under the covers and wake up when it is another day? Another week? Another month or even another year?

Since returning from New York on Tuesday, I have been having one of those days for the past 2 days! Now I know there are many factors for this feeling. Not having bounced back from the flight. The awful night spent at Newark Airport. The intense heat and humidity back east.

But the question that keeps going through my mind is ‘When will this be over?' I have a great deal on my plate for the next 2 months, starting with tonight. True to my nature, I over book and over plan. There was a time in my life when I thrived on all the challenges and things to do. I am finding though that as I get older, that kind of life style does not appeal to me anymore.

Now don't get me wrong. I love working with youth and most days, I love my job. I enjoy my home life with Lars and Wyeth, even though it could be a little more organized and cleaner for me! I guess I feel that life has to be more simpler. Maybe all the things on my plate overwhelm me and I just want to forget about them, even for a minute. Is it possible that once my life slows down and becomes more simple, more organized and less stressful, I won't be having these days?

I am reminded of what Jesus says:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Matthew 11: 28 - 30

Lord, I need that rest so much. I need to be able to do what you have called me to do and have your energy and your peace as I met the demands of my day. Thank you for reminding me of your rest that you freely give.

So as I finish my day at a Christmas in July scrapbook party working on a Christmas present for my Bethany, I am going to use that time to refresh and re-charge. And make it a point as I start my day tomorrow to start it with God. Doing things that refresh me such as devotional time, reading, scrap booking, or even a nice work out will help keep those days to a minium. And knowing that God is with me always is reason to keep on going.

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